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Event Ideas

Looking for an easy way to get started? Here are some "tried-and-true" ideas that have worked well for celebrating Ag Day!

Day by Day Activities for Ag Week


Make a farm-to-table meal with your family.



Volunteer at your local school and plan an activity with a classroom to teach kids about the importance of agriculture. (Examples: make a compost bin for them to observe in their classroom, or do this egg shell seed growing experiment.



Share what agriculture means to you in a photo on social media - whether it’s the ingredients for your dinner, a rural field, or a busy market. Use the hashtag




Contact your legislator and remind them of the importance of supporting farm initiatives.

Thursday: National Ag Day!

Research agricultural issues affecting your region.



Throw a cook-off party with friends. Try to incorporate ingredients your state is known for, i.e. pork, apples, almonds, beef, corn, etc.



Check out local farms or dairies in your area that offer tours. Visit with friends or family, and learn how they produce, sell and market their food.

Farmer’s Markets Exhibit

Local Farmer’s Markets are usually starting up around this time of the year. What better place to emphasize the importance of agriculture? Arrange to have music, samples, fun games for kids and make a day of it.

Ag Day Breakfast

Host an Ag Day breakfast for local government and business leaders. Identify a keynote speaker to talk about agriculture and plan your menu around locally grown and raised agriculture products.

Mall Exhibit

Organize an exhibit at your local mall or shopping center. Include goods produced in your area, as well as information on local methods and technologies. Contact local businesses for display items and information. 

Pizza Party

Organize a pizza party on a farm, in a classroom or at a mall. Explain how ingredients from kids’ favorite food come from farms and ranches and how each is processed and delivered to the grocery store or restaurant. 


"One of our favorite events is a pizza party held for more than 700 4th grade students. We work with different commodity groups, ag businesses and organizations to demonstrate how agriculture affects their everyday life. This not only helps educate the children, but also their siblings, parents and the entire community."

– Diane Olson, Missouri Farm Bureau


Invite one or more state legislators to visit local farms and ranches or set up a visit to their state office. Leave them with Ag Day materials and local agriculture products. 

Petting Zoo

Organize a petting zoo where children and their parents can see farm and ranch animals and learn more about them. Ask local farmers and ranchers to provide the animals.

School Meals

Encourage elementary schools to designate a day during Ag Week to distribute quizzes and puzzles with school lunches. This might also serve as an opportunity to explain the connection between farm and mealtime. Contact your state’s School Food Service Association for assistance. Or, with cooperation of the school, ask various producers or grocers to donate items (milk, ice cream, bread, burgers, etc.).

Library Display

Approach your local public or school libraries about organizing an exhibit during Ag Week. You might offer to arrange for a speaker or a lecture series about agriculture. Books about rural communities, animals, farms, etc., could be part of a special Ag Day section that encourages children to learn more about agriculture and how it affects their lives. 

Grocery Store Display

Distribute information about agriculture or other information through local stores. Ask your grocer to feature the Ag Day Logo or other positive messages about agriculture on grocery bags or signs used during Ag Week. You might also set up a farm-to-your-table display in your local grocery store. 

Community Service Event

Celebrate Ag Day by giving back to your community. Do this individually, with your family, or with a large group. Potential service ideas include: serving the homeless at a local soup kitchen, packing food at a local foodbank, volunteering at a local Boys and Girls Club, and more.

Thank a Farmer Initiative

Go into a classroom and have a discussion about how farmers and ranchers help provide us with our food, fiber and energy. If you are a farmer, talk about your operation, or if you are a teacher/ volunteer, read an accurate ag book to help students get an idea of what a farmer does each day.

Ag Literacy Booths

Collaborate with local farm groups (4-H, FFA, Farm Bureau, etc.) to have a presence outside your state Capitol on National Ag Day. Decide what each organization will focus on and offer at their booth.

Ag Day Panel/Talks

Invite a guest speaker to speak about agriculture at your local venue during National Agriculture Week. This could be a local farmer, extension agent, or businessperson. Make it a series by spreading it out across a few weeks.

Film Screenings

Give participants something to think about before the film begins. Consider providing discussion questions or facilitating a small discussion with participants after the film to confirm their understanding.

Dash for Ag 5K Walk/Run

Participants will practice a healthy lifestyle and promote their support for the agriculture industry with a 5k during National Ag Week. Ask local businesses for items to put in swag bags for participants. You could also gather support for raffle prizes. 

Scholarship Contests

Participants will share their passion for agriculture through submitting an entry in a scholarship contest. Potential ideas for submission include a writing contest, a photography or video contest, or an art contest.


National Ag Day is organized by the Agriculture Council of America (ACA). ACA is a nonprofit organization composed of leaders in the agricultural, food and fiber community, dedicating its efforts to increasing the public's awareness of agriculture's role in modern society.


Agriculture Council of America, 8700 State Line Road, Suite 105, Leawood, KS 66206  |  Tel: (913) 491-1895, Fax: (913) 491-6502, email:


©2023 Agriculture Council of America. All rights reserved.

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